December Update

Where have you been?!

I am sure you all have been wondering where we have been. The fall historically has been a busy season for Deb but this year was especially busy. She has taken on some extra work to help fill some of the gaps financially. This means some things at SOAR for her have taken a back seat to make sure our family is taken care of. That being said a lot of things have been happening this fall at SOAR and we are excited to share what is new and how God is using SOAR to make our Mission Candidates (students/missionaries) ready to serve on the field!

Closing out the Season

Moving out of the busy summer season the fall brings some reprieve from busyness in all aspects. We are finishing the airshow and conference season strong and are thankful for the relationships built with new potential candidates and the strengthening of the partnerships with other mission organizations. Seth and Jordis headed to Nashville, TN for the last scheduled conference of the year. This was a quick one-day event that is missions focused, it is a free event for the local community. The event allowed us to share about and represent SOAR and the work we are doing.

School is back in Session!

As many of you know we homeschool our kiddos and in the fall we began our 10th year of Homeschooling. That’s crazy to us! Bella started High School and Jordis is in Kindergarten. Bella also participated in volleyball, student council, & worship team at both church and Co-op. This has made for a very busy season but we have loved watching her grow in her skills and gifts.


We are so excited to welcome Skyler and Nicki Redding our newest MC. Skyler and Nicki will be joining SOAR to begin their preparation for serving in missionary aviation. He was raised in Iowa and always knew the importance of missions. While attending Ethnos360 Bible Institute, God put it on his heart to pursue mission aviation. Skyler and Nicki met while at the Bible Institute and they were married in March of 2023. Once they have finished raising support and moved to Bolivar, Skyler will be training to earn both his A&P and his pilot’s license. Deb has been working closely with them on partnership development and it has been fun to watch them grow in this area and we at SOAR are thrilled to welcome them to our program.

MAST (Mission Aviation Specific Training)

I know, another acronym! While aviation is already full of acronyms SOAR wanted to muddy the water a little more by adding another! Seth and Kerrick began the year trying to focus on where we are taking the SOAR flight department in the future. We felt a sense of need for clarity in how the mission originations were viewing the candidates and their level of readiness when they were being evaluated coming out of our program when we reached out to other mission aviation training programs that were feeling the same thing. What started as a collaboration between Seth, Kerrick, and a representative from JAARS (The main mission aviation evaluation organization) turned into a summit with several training programs being represented held at Bolivar. We determined and made a list of 3 main objectives. We all need to accomplish these to make sure that all of the organizations that are training missionary aviators need to focus on them. Making sure the candidates are ultimately successful in reaching the mission field. These are: 1) Mission Aviation Candidate Testing and Evaluating Standards(When Training is completed. 2) Train The Trainer (T3) (Standard Training for all mission aviation CFI’s). 3) Standardized Mission Aviation Curriculum. Number 3 is near and dear to Seth as you will remember that God put this on his heart early on to make sure we are training with lots of intentionality. We will keep you guys posted on the progress of this as it moves forward. We have follow-up meetings scheduled in Kansas City in December and Waxhaw NC in February.

Prayer Requests for the December:

1. December MAST Meeting: Pray for safe travels as we attend another meeting in December. Also, pray for wisdom and continued cooperation between missionary aviation organizations to push forward on creating a standard for future students.

2. Missionary Candidates: Lift our missionary candidates who are currently undergoing training and preparation for their future service in the mission field. Pray for the ones who have not decided on the organization they are joining. Pray that this time at AirVenture creates clarity and direction for them.

3. Financial Provision: Join us in prayer for our financial needs at SOAR. Pray that God would provide abundantly, enabling us to meet our monthly budget and move closer to our financial target. Ask for open doors, divine connections, and generous hearts to support our ministry financially.

Prayer Requests for 2023:

1. Global Impact: Pray for an increased impact of our missionary pilots and mechanics in reaching unreached areas with the Gospel. Ask God to open doors for strategic partnerships, favorable relationships with local communities, and effective ministry opportunities. Pray lives would be transformed, and communities would be impacted through our ministry.

2. Spiritual Growth: Please pray for our personal spiritual growth and deepening relationship with God. Pray that we would have a hunger for His Word, a fervent prayer life, and a sensitivity to His leading. Ask for a greater understanding of His will for our lives and the strength to walk in obedience.

3. Wisdom in Decision-making: Seek God’s wisdom on our behalf as we make important decisions personally and professionally. Pray that we would have the discernment to make choices that align with His will and bring glory to His name. Ask for clarity, guidance, and confidence in the path that God has set before us.

Big News and Transitions

Summer to Fall

Wow, We feel like we have been running at 100 MPH since the Spring. This spring we gave ourselves a deadline for Seth’s training and that meant that we have used our extra focus on that since then. That doesn’t mean we have slowed down in other areas it just means pulling up our bootstraps and doing our regular jobs along with allowing for time for training. It’s been hard but well worth the effort. 

EAA Airventure 2022 was a success. We met with lots of other organizations, shared what SOAR is doing with a local group, served in our booth, and got to see some pretty cool things. We are so grateful for the opportunity to serve SOAR in this way.

During the summer we participated in Oshkosh EAA Airventure. This was our second year attending and it proved to be a great week of engagement with other organizations. This is always one of our priorities when we go. 

In the fall we started another year of school. This marks our 9th year of homeschooling. Bella began 8th grade and Jordis began Pre-K. We also added volleyball to our school schedule, it’s been such a joy to watch Bell learn and grow in something she enjoys

In October we spent an evening at the Ethnos360 training center in Camdenton, Mo. It was such a great night of fun and fellowship. We were thankful for the opportunity to see their facility and to get to know these missionary pilots who are being trained to be sent. The partnership between SOAR and Ethnos360 will help us to be able to send more missionaries to the field.

Cookout time at the Ethnos360 training center in Camdenton, MO

Lastly, we have been serving with the youth and production teams at LifePoint. We have been doing this for several years and we love serving in this way. Students always challenge us to grow in our faith. Worship production gives us an opportunity to use our talents and skills in unique ways.

This summer and fall have been extra busy with events. We have loved this season of serving with the youth.

Big news and Transitions

It’s official! Seth has completed his CFI certification. We will fully admit we were not sure if we would make this deadline. The instructor we were using pushed hard and we are so thankful for that. We are also grateful for each instructor who poured into Seth. Without them, this could not have happened. We genuinely believe that each of them was brought to us at just the right time. Each one contributed to his training in a way that we believe will benefit SOAR in the long run. All of it for God’s glory and mission.

Greg and Micki Shetterly have been such a huge blessing to us and to SOAR this year. Micki is an experienced flight instructor and Greg is a flight examiner. Both have been pushing Seth to not only complete his training but to also go above and beyond so that SOAR can be a good steward of the candidates that God brings to us.

This month Seth will begin training his first missionary candidate, Bailey! We feel such a sigh of relief and excitement and we begin serving in a different capacity at SOAR. Seth’s roles that will continue are safety, some airport/city management, and now adding flight instruction. Right now he is tasked with the big job of organizing the fight curriculum. Thankfully he won’t be doing this alone. The group of instructors that have been so vital in getting him to his goal are also going to be involved in getting the curriculum organized. We are ready for this new challenge and ready to see how God uses us in this new season.  The last transition will be one more rating. The next goal is CFII. This will be during the same time he begins training Bailey. This one is not as time sensitive so we are hoping to have a bit of reprieve while we focus on other goals personally.

Bailey George has been with SOAR since the spring. He will be Seth’s first student as we work toward training Missionary Aviators.

Partnership Focus

As we wrap up this last goal of getting Seth’s ratings done we are now shifting our focus to getting new partners. This will be a lifelong journey as we continue to work at SOAR. We need YOUR help. If you know of someone who might be interested in our story or what we are doing at SOAR please let us know. You are also welcome to share this newsletter with them! If you are not currently a partner with us through prayer or financial support we would love to share our story with you. Please contact us for more information. Thank you to everyone who has partnered with us on this journey. You have been such a support and blessing to us in ways we could never repay. Thank you!

Ways you can be praying for us & SOAR in 2022

• That God cultivates relationships and we are able to find direction as a leadership team.
• That Seth is able to finish his ratings and begin the work that he feels God has called him into.
• That God grows and shapes our candidates to be used on the field and that he opens doors for them to be able to serve.

Ways you can be praying for us in November:

• That God will continue to provide the remaining partners needed.
• That we can find rest in this busy season.
• That God shows us direction for the next season here at SOAR.

September changes and challenges.

Changes, Challenges and Prayer Requests

Labor Day. Boats lined up to see the fireworks.

September was mostly quiet. We have been spending the month getting into a rhythm with school and we are continuing to meet with people building partnerships. We are trying to squeeze those last few drops of summer out with a few more camping trips. October however, will bring some new challenges for many reasons. First, we have a few churches that we are beginning to build relationships with so that we can create partnerships. This process of meeting with churches has come late in our journey due to COVID. Please be praying for us as we share our hearts and God’s will for our lives to these churches. Second, many of you know that our youngest daughter deals with an eye condition called Exotropia. We have monitored her eyes for a couple of years now and it has come to a point where surgery is needed. The surgery is very common and is considered outpatient surgery. We are trusting in God’s hand to protect our sweet girl. Please pray for peace for us and God to guide the hands of the surgeon.

Praying for everything to go smoothly. Pray that healing is quick.

Pushing Through The Stall

In August families including us began the transition back into school season. This made partnership meetings inconsistent and difficult. We felt the pressure of the partnership goal increase more than it had been prior. God has proved Himself faithful through this season and has given us the strength to push through the stall. September was a month of gaining momentum, learning how to adjust to a new season for everyone, and finding our new rhythm. We are sharing our story with our home church, LifePoint Church this weekend. This weekend is our church’s 16th anniversary and we are honored to have this privilege on such a milestone day. Sharing with our home church will kick off a season of sharing with other churches that God has been providing opportunities to speak with. If you don’t have a home church or yours isn’t currently meeting we would love for you to join us at our home church. We would love to share what God is doing at your home church as well. Contact us to set up a meeting. God is getting ready to do some amazing things we couldn’t be more excited to partner with him.

We are so grateful for the support that LifePoint is providing for us. Thank you for being our church home.

God is our Cornerstone

During the month of August, I (Seth) found myself relying on my own strength to push through. Days were long and I thought if I just do more we can get this to work. Just one month of relying on my own strength in partnership development was too much of a burden for me to carry without depending on the one who strengthens me. God reminded me that he is the one who is doing the work and I am coming alongside him. This meant that I am to look to his word for direction, encouragement, and depend on the firm foundation that he has already established. Friends, what season are you in? Is God the one leading, or are you carrying a burden you shouldn’t? Are you going the other direction alone instead of walking beside him? Rest in these words from 2 Timothy 2:19 (But God’s firm foundation stands bearing his seal: “The Lord knows those who are his,” and, “Let everyone who names the name of the Lord depart from iniquity”).

Ways you can be praying for us:

• That God will protect our sweet girl and that she will have complete healing.
• That God will continue to build partnerships.
• That our marriage stays strong in this season of full schedules.
• That God would give us wisdom for these upcoming months.