It’s that time again!

It’s that time of year again – July brings the excitement of EAA AirVenture in OshKosh, WI. As in previous years, we are excited to attend AirVenture to share the mission of SOAR and the significance of Mission Aviation as a whole. This year, our presence at the air show will be even stronger, with more of our staff and candidates joining us to create connections with other missionary organizations. Our primary goal is to foster relationships and partnerships within the mission aviation community. Additionally, we believe that God can use this event to intersect our path with individuals who have a calling for mission aviation and may consider joining SOAR. While the show itself is filled with fun and excitement, it also demands long days and continuous conversations. Please pray that God would use this event to open doors and create meaningful discussions for our current mission candidates, as well as for sharing the Gospel with those who have yet to know Jesus.

Stay connected with us throughout the week by following us on social media. If you’re planning to attend AirVenture, we would be thrilled to connect with you. Feel free to message us and let us know when you’ll be there so we can arrange a meet-up. We would love the opportunity to connect with our partners.

Taking it to the next level.

Since January of this year, Deb has been involved in coaching our mission candidates in Partnership Development. This area of readiness has been in her heart since the day we joined SOAR. We understand that without dedicated partners in prayer and financial support, serving on the mission field can be exceptionally challenging. Building a strong partnership team is no easy task, and while Deb has been using her skills effectively, we believe that additional training is needed to elevate this area within SOAR. Your prayers are crucial as we discern the best approach for enhancing our partnership development efforts. It may entail considering opportunities for Deb to attend classes during the busy fall or spring seasons, which will require time away from our family. We are committed to advancing mission aviation and equipping our mission candidates to make a lasting impact in unreached areas of the world. Your continued prayers and encouragement are appreciated as we strive to grow and serve.

Prayer Requests for the July:

1. AirVenture: Please pray for our leadership team as they travel to Osk Kosh, WI. Pray that our conversations with sending organizations are productive and move SOAR forward in the mission he has called us to.

2. Missionary Candidates: Lift up our missionary candidates who are currently undergoing training and preparation for their future service in the mission field. Pray for the ones who have not decided on the organization they are joining. Pray that this time at AirVenture creates clarity and direction for them.

3. Financial Provision: Join us in prayer for our financial needs at SOAR. Pray that God would provide abundantly, enabling us to meet our monthly budget and move closer to our financial target. Ask for open doors, divine connections, and generous hearts to support our ministry financially.

Prayer Requests for 2023:

1. Global Impact: Pray for an increased impact of our missionary pilots and mechanics in reaching unreached areas with the Gospel. Ask God to open doors for strategic partnerships, favorable relationships with local communities, and effective ministry opportunities. Pray lives would be transformed, and communities would be impacted through our ministry.

2. Spiritual Growth: Please pray for our personal spiritual growth and deepening relationship with God. Pray that we would have a hunger for His Word, a fervent prayer life, and a sensitivity to His leading. Ask for a greater understanding of His will for our lives and the strength to walk in obedience.

3. Wisdom in Decision-making: Seek God’s wisdom on our behalf as we make important decisions personally and professionally. Pray that we would have the discernment to make choices that align with His will and bring glory to His name. Ask for clarity, guidance, and confidence in the path that God has set before us.